Monday, May 26, 2008

Im Over It Already

I know Im probably going straight to hell for writing this post. Let me just start by saying that Im a very compassionate person, ask anyone and they'd tell you that I'm the total opposite of heartless. But Honestly. Im not sure how many more ways the government of Burma can say that they don't want our help, so WHY can't our husbands just pack their shit and leave already? Its nice that the US has so generously offered to help, but for over a week now the government has said they wont accept aid from military warships- so how many times does the US government have to hear this before they can just accept it. Not everyone wants our help. 

I read an editorial today that was talking about the proposed changes to the GI Bill. President Bush has threatened to veto it and none of that is really the point. There was one line in there that I thought was so aptly put, saying (in regards to the military) that Bush was so "lavish with other people's sacrifices." No truer words have been spoken. And while I realize there are many people that have it worse than I do, I'm tired of the the separation, Im tired of the single parenting, and Im especially tired of just not knowing. This morning my 3 year old asked if Dad would ever come home again. Why don't I just rip my own heart out because to hear him ask that is equally as painful. I told him that yes, his dad would be home eventually, but I had no idea when. 

When I told my husband about what transpired he got mad at me. He was mad at me for handling it the way I did. That I should have done something to be more comforting. And I love that this is my problem. Like somehow I've screwed up. 

This is a boring post, and I realize that I make my husband out to be some jackass of a spouse and thats not the truth at all. He is fantastic but, being deployed puts stress on a relationship unlike anything else. 

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